Tuesday service:

Bible study

Sanctuary Light Building Blocks

Time: 12.00 noon- 1.30 pm. Pacific Time.

You can join us on Zoom

Thursday service: A Place For Divine Solution

Join us on Thursday at 6.00 pm Pacific Time.

A Place for Divine Solution: It is a prophetic and prayer service. We bring all our problems, concerns, and sicknesses to God, believing in God for a divine touch that will bring healing, deliverance, breakthrough, and restoration. 

Time: 12.00 noon- 1.30 pm. Pacific Time.

You can join us on Zoom (Meeting ID: 870 7540 0044 , Passcode: 244726), Google Meet, or watch us live on.

Sunday Service:

Praise Sunday is when we gather together online and in person with an open heart, praising and worshipping God in spirit and truth and hearing His word.

Praise Sunday……10.30 am-12.noon

Communion Service ….. 10.30 am -12.noon

(which is the last Sunday of every month)

And celebration of Light and Celebration of Life.

Sanctuary Light Media TV

Sanctuary Light Media TV is our Deliverance outreach ministry. It’s a lifeline to those who are drowning in the sea of demonic oppression and, Deliverance from witchcraft manipulation, marine spirit attacks, ancestral curses, and demonic bondage. Our videos expose the lies, deceit, and hidden secrets of the kingdom of darkness, used to capture individuals, families, marriages, destinies, finances, and family lineages.

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