Welcome To Word
Of Faith Bible Church

Light & Life Ministries.

Welcome To Word
Of Faith Bible Church

Light & Life Ministries.

If you’re looking for a church where you can grow Spiritually, Learning the Word of God, Worshipping God in spirit and truth, and Having the tools (Knowledge) to overcome demonic oppression, spiritual bondages, and ancestral curses.

Then this is your Church.

Celebration of Light

A church where you can grow Spiritually

Celebration of Life

Learning the Word of God

Unusual Praise

Worshipping God in spirit and truth

About Us

Word Of Faith Bible Church

Las Vegas

We are a Teaching and Deliverance Church, and we have videos and resources that will help you overcome the hidden enemy of your soul. We believe the Bible is God’s divinely inspired, undivided, infallible, and authoritative word. We believe in one God who exists eternally in three categories: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

Our mission

It is to save the lost.

1. Preach and teach the Word of God, just as Jesus commanded in Mark 16:15 NKJV

“Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature." and Mathew 28:19-20 NKJV"Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Amen

2. To teach people how to worship God in spirit and truth, for God is a Spirit. John 4:23-24 NKJV.

23.“But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for the Father is seeking such to worship Him. 24 God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.”

3. To raise an army of disciples for Jesus.

Bold and well grounded in the word of God and ministry, that will go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature, with signs and wonders, declaring to the kingdom of darkness the Lordship of Jesus Christ, The Son of God, The risen Messiah, who is seated on the right-hand side of God Almighty).

Deliverance is a journey, not an event…

Our goal is to introduce Jesus Christ, The Son of God, to those who do not know Him and to strengthen those who are in Christ with the Word of God and divine revelations that will help them grow and become victorious in life.

How can I be saved?

Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ with all your heart, and confess Him with your mouth, and If you are ready to receive Him, Open your heart and pray this prayer.

Heavenly Father,

I come before you, in the name of Jesus. I surrender all to You. I admit that I am a sinner, and I repent from all my sins. Father, I ask for Your forgiveness.

Meet our beloved Pastors

Prophet David Akere

Prophet David Akere is the Senior Pastor at Word of Faith Bible Church in Las Vegas, Nevada, and Akere Ministries Worldwide. He is also a teacher and mentor.

Rev. Angela Akere

Rev. Angela Akere is the executive producer of Sanctuary Light Media TV and a Senior Pastor at Word of Faith Bible Church Las Vegas, Nevada, and Akere Ministries Worldwide. She is a mentor, counselor, and Teacher.

Sanctuary Light Media TV

Sanctuary Light Media TV is our Deliverance outreach ministry. It’s a lifeline to those who are drowning in the sea of demonic oppression and, Deliverance from witchcraft manipulation, marine spirit attacks, ancestral curses, and demonic bondage. Our videos expose the lies, deceit, and hidden secrets of the kingdom of darkness, used to capture individuals, families, marriages, destinies, finances, and family lineages.

Stream Online

Join hundreds of people across the globe in watching.

Sanctuary Light Building Blocks

Time: 12.00 noon- 1.30 pm. Pacific Time.

You can join us on Zoom

Tuesday service:

Bible study

Thursday service: A Place For Divine Solution

Join us on Thursday at 6.00 pm Pacific Time.

A Place for Divine Solution: It is a prophetic and prayer service. We bring all our problems, concerns, and sicknesses to God, believing in God for a divine touch that will bring healing, deliverance, breakthrough, and restoration. 

Time: 6.00PM - 7.30 pm. Pacific Time.

You can join us on Zoom (Meeting ID: 870 7540 0044 , Passcode: 244726), Google Meet, or watch us live on.

Sunday Service:

Praise Sunday is when we gather together online and in person with an open heart, praising and worshipping God in spirit and truth and hearing His word.

Praise Sunday……10.30 am-12.noon

Communion Service ….. 10.30 am -12.noon

(which is the last Sunday of every month)

And celebration of Light and Celebration of Life.

Book An Appointment With a Pastor

Schedule an appointment with one of our pastors and get the chance to receive invaluable knowledge.

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